The Association

We’re the industry representative for UK member brick manufacturers. Our role is to support the continued success of this stalwart of British industry, by providing an authoritative source of information about clay brick and championing its role in our built environment.

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Our Mission

We support manufacturers through the development of objective, authoritative technical advice, ensuring those who work with the products can do so fully-informed and with confidence. Our library of technical knowledge is free at the point of use and we manage an events portfolio, which includes the new Brick Works series, designed to assist the continued professional development of practitioners, and education of students.

The recent relaunch of our Brick Bulletin as a weekly, digital feature also provides case studies for anyone who seeks inspiration in brick architecture. Perhaps our most high-profile activity is the annual Brick Awards, which celebrates exemplar brick architecture and craftsmanship from around the world.

Most recently, we launched the industry’s first quality charter, which makes it easier for the industry to identify and source responsibly manufactured brick, and helps safeguard our supply chain from sub-standard products.

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Our Members

Between them our members account for almost 100% of all UK-manufactured clay bricks and pavers. They supply the domestic market with components of exceptional quality, responding swiftly and reliably to meet the needs of the UK’s construction industry. Whether you seek high volume lines or a one-off bespoke product, our members will welcome the opportunity to consult you on your project and develop the right solution.

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