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The Catherine Hughes Building

Education catherine hughes building


London: Oxford

Brick Manufacturer: Ibstock Brick Limited

Brick: Reigate Purple

Architect/Designer: Niall McLaughlin Architects

Brickwork Contractor: Beards

About the project

“A joy to behold, stands in a varied street scape proudly designed and built to make it feature well on its own merits.”

The structure succeeds in delivering everything that it sought to do from the out-set, well thought student accommodation.
A very creative design, care taken to acknowledge rooms north facing by the introduction of more windows to these areas. The brick is a fine choice of Ibstock Reigate Purple and NHL mortar extremely well laid. A good British brick, Natural Hydraulic Lime mortar coupled with a good design and excellent craftsmanship. They all go to produce a lovely building of which everyone involved must be justifiably proud.